Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Man behind Zionism, Theodor Herzl (1860 - 1904)

Budapest form St. Gellert Hill
I spent my New Year holiday in Budapest. It was a very beautiful city with Danube River crossing between Buda and Pest. I found stunning castles in Buda area and busy business area in Pest. Buda Castle, Fishermen Bation, St. Mathias Church, Hospital in the Rock, Citadella, and finally to the Gellert Bath, a thermal bath from Ottoman time. In Pest I wandered lots of Christmas markets, Parliament Hall which is claimed as the biggest parliament building in the world, St. Stephen Basilica, and Vajahunyad Castle (so-called Castle of Dracula of Budapest), Hero monument, and more unique things taste so Hungarian. In Pest, my sight was strucked by a Mosque-like building, it was so huge, I was thinking it was really a mosque. However, when I checked it in detail I could see two tablets hanged between two doomed minarets and lots of David stars decorating it.  I understood that it was a Synagogue, temple of Judaism. 
The second biggest Synagogue in Europe
Source: wikipedia
I did not want to waste my time and curiosity, I got inside and checked what they have inside. It was so amazing learning about the history of Jewish people living in Budapest in past times. Thanks for the English speaking guide. for my surprise, I found out that in this area, born a man behind the Zionism movement, Theodor (Binyamin Ze'ev) Herzl. He is the visionary behind modern Zionism and the reinstitution of a Jewish homeland.
the Biggest Parliament in the world 

Herzl (born May 2, 1860; died July 3, 1904) was born in Budapest in 1860. He was educated in the spirit of the German-Jewish Enlightenment, and learned to appreciate secular culture. In 1878 the family moved to Vienna, and in 1884 Herzl was awarded a doctorate of law from the University of Vienna. He became a writer, playwright and journalist. The Paris correspondent of the influential liberal Vienna newspaper Neue Freie Presse was none other than Theodor Herzl.

Herzl first encountered the anti-Semitism that would shape his life and the fate of the Jews in the twentieth century while studying at the University of Vienna (1882). Later, during his stay in Paris as a journalist, he was brought face-to-face with the problem. At the time, he regarded the Jewish problem as a social issue and wrote a drama, The Ghetto (1894), in which assimilation and conversion are rejected as solutions. He hoped that The Ghetto would lead to debate and ultimately to a solution, based on mutual tolerance and respect between Christians and Jews.

The Dreyfus Affair

In 1894, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French army, was unjustly accused of treason, mainly because of the prevailing anti-Semitic atmosphere. Herzl witnessed mobs shouting “Death to the Jews” in France, the home of the French Revolution, and resolved that there was only one solution: the mass immigration of Jews to a land that they could call their own. Thus, the Dreyfus Case became one of the determinants in the genesis of Political Zionism.

Theodor Harzl
Herzl concluded that anti-Semitism was a stable and immutable factor in human society, which assimilation did not solve. He mulled over the idea of Jewish sovereignty, and, despite ridicule from Jewish leaders, published Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State, 1896). Herzl argued that the essence of the Jewish problem was not individual but national. He declared that the Jews could gain acceptance in the world only if they ceased being a national anomaly. The Jews are one people, he said, and their plight could be transformed into a positive force by the establishment of a Jewish state with the consent of the great powers. He saw the Jewish question as an international political question to be dealt with in the arena of international politics.

Herzl proposed a practical program for collecting funds from Jews around the world by a company to be owned by stockholders, which would work toward the practical realization of this goal. (This organization, when it was eventually formed, was called the Zionist Organization.) He saw the future state as a model social state, basing his ideas on the European model of the time, of a modern enlightened society. It would be neutral and peace-seeking, and of a secular nature.

In his Zionist novel, Altneuland (Old New Land, 1902), Herzl pictured the future Jewish state as a socialist utopia. He envisioned a new society that was to rise in the Land of Israel on a cooperative basis utilizing science and technology in the development of the Land.

He included detailed ideas about how he saw the future state’s political structure, immigration, fund­raising, diplomatic relations, social laws and relations between religion and the state. In Altneuland, the Jewish state was foreseen as a pluralist, advanced society, a “light unto the nations.” This book had a great impact on the Jews of the time and became a symbol of the Zionist vision in the Land of Israel.

A Movement Is Started

Herzl's ideas were met with enthusiasm by the Jewish masses in Eastern Europe, although Jewish leaders were less ardent. Herzl appealed to wealthy Jews such as Baron Hirsch and Baron Rothschild, to join the national Zionist movement, but in vain. He then appealed to the people, and the result was the convening of the First Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, on August 29­31, 1897.

Shoes in Danube, here Jews were shot and thrown in the Danube   
The Congress was the first interterritorial gathering of Jews on a national and secular basis. Here the delegates adopted the Basle Program, the program of the Zionist movement, and declared, “Zionism seeks to establish a home for the Jewish people in Palestine secured under public law.” At the Congress the World Zionist Organization was established as the political arm of the Jewish people, and Herzl was elected its first president.

Herzl convened six Zionist Congresses between 1897 and 1902. It was here that the tools for Zionist activism were forged: Otzar Hityashvut Hayehudim, the Jewish National Fund and the movement’s newspaper Die Welt.

After the First Zionist Congress, the movement met yearly at an international Zionist Congress. In 1936, the center of the Zionist movement was transferred to Jerusalem.

Uganda Isn’t Zion

Herzl saw the need for encouragement by the great powers of the aims of the Jewish people in the Land. Thus, he traveled to the Land of Israel and Istanbul in 1898 to meet with Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. The meeting with Wilhelm was a failure - the monarch dismissed Herzl’s political entreaties with snide anti-Semitic remarks. When these efforts proved fruitless, he turned to Great Britain, and met with Joseph Chamberlain, the British colonial secretary and others. The only concrete offer he received from the British was the proposal of a Jewish autonomous region in east Africa, in Uganda.

In 1899, in an essay entitled “The Family Affliction” written for The American Hebrew, Herzl wrote, “Anyone who wants to work in behalf of the Jews needs - to use a popular phrase - a strong stomach.”

The 1903 Kishinev pogrom and the difficult state of Russian Jewry, witnessed firsthand by Herzl during a visit to Russia, had a profound effect on him. He requested that the Russian government assist the Zionist Movement to transfer Jews from Russia to Eretz Yisrael.

At the Sixth Zionist Congress (1903), Herzl proposed the British Uganda Program as a temporary refuge for Jews in Russia in immediate danger. While Herzl made it clear that this program would not affect the ultimate aim of Zionism, a Jewish entity in the Land of Israel, the proposal aroused a storm at the Congress and nearly led to a split in the Zionist movement. The Uganda Program was finally rejected by the Zionist movement at the Seventh Zionist Congress in 1905.

Herzl died in Vienna in 1904, of pneumonia and a weak heart overworked by his incessant efforts on behalf of Zionism. By then the movement had found its place on the world political map. In 1949, Herzl’s remains were brought to Israel and reinterred on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

Herzl’s books Der Judenstaat (“The Jewish State”) and Altneuland (“Old New Land”), his plays and articles have been published frequently and translated into many languages. His name has been commemorated in the Herzl Forests at Ben Shemen and Hulda, the world's first Hebrew gymnasium — “Herzliya” — which was established in Tel Aviv, the town of Herzliya in the Sharon and neighborhoods and streets in many Israeli towns and cities.

Herzl coined the phrase “If you will, it is no fairytale,” which became the motto of the Zionist movement. Although at the time no one could have imagined it, Zionism led, only fifty years later, to the establishment of the independent State of Israel.

Taken from

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Jewish Influence on American Culture

(Tiga gelombang migrasi Yahudi ke Amerika Serikat.)

image source:
Gelombang Yahudi Sephardic 

Bendera Dinasti Umayah (Umayyad) berkibar berkilauan di Andalusia (Spanyol) dan Portugal dari tahun 711 hingga 1614. Selama itu pula peradaban tumbuh dengan pesat. Sebut saja Ibn Rushd atau dilatinkan Averroes, seorang Platonis yang disebut sebagai bapak sekuler barat, tak mengherankan memang karena dari buah fikir beliau lah sekulerisme di barat tercipta. Sebagai seorang liberalis, pemikiran Ibn Rushd bertentangan dengan faham Asy'ari, buah Fikir Al Ghazali atau dilatinkan Algazel yang kitabnya pernah saya pelajari di pesantren. 

Raja Ferdinand dan Ratu Isabel dengan berbagai bantuan dari sekutunya menyerang pusat pemerintahan Dinasti Umayah hingga menggulingkan kekuasaannya. Sebagian besar dari bangsa moor Maroko yang telah menetap di Spanyol berbondong-bondong kembali ke negara asalnya. Sementara sebagian lainnya termasuk kaum Yahudi yang memilih tetap tinggal di Spanyol berpura-pura memeluk agama Kristen sedangkan dalam persembunyian  mereka, mereka tetap mempraktekkan ritual kepercayaan mereka. Hingga suatu saat Raja Ferdinand dan Ratu Isabel mengetahui trick tersebut dan akhirnya mengusir semua umat Islam dan umat Yahudi keluar dari Spanyol. Umat Islam kembali ke Afrika sementara umat Yahudi dengan menumpang bahtera Cristopher Columbus dan bahtera-bahtera setelahnya pergi ke benua Amerika, ke Brazil. Dekade demi dekade, orang-orang Yahudi sedikit demi sedikit berhijarah ke Amerika Serikat.

Gelombang Yahudi Ashkenazi
Image source:

Sementara itu, kelompok-kelompok etnis Yahudi yang tersebar di seluruh penjuru Eropa, dari Rusia, Ukraina, Hongaria, Polandia, Italia, Jerman dsb. hidup sejahtera. Bekerja keras dan berdagang sehingga berhasil mengumpulkan pundi-pundi uang dan menjadi orang-orang kaya di lingkungannya. Kejayaan yang masih berupa embrio itu menuai sentimen dari masyarakat sekitarnya, hingga menuai gerakan anti-semitis. Etnis Yahudi tidak lagi bisa hidup seperti semula, mereka dibenci, dikucilkan, diboikot, bahkan disiksa dan digenosida.

Dalam keadaan yang sangat terpuruk dan darurat itu, mereka tergerak untuk mengikuti keberhasilan sekelompok Kristen puritan dari Inggris (golongan religious) mengarungi samuda atlantik dari Leiden (Belanda) ke New Amsterdam (New York) dengan menggunakan Kapal Mayflower, ini lah kali pertama bangsa Eropa bermigrasi ke benua Amerika untuk tinggal selamanya (first settlers). Ribuan etnis Yahudi Jerman atau disebut etnis Yahudi Azkenazi yang berbahasa Yiddish (campuran Hebrew, Jerman dan Slavik) bergegas mengikuti kelompok tersebut untuk menyeberangi samudera menuju the New World, the New Hope.

Gelombang Yahudi Eropa Timur

Antara tahun 1881 dan 1924, gelombang migrasi berganti dari Eropa tengah menjadi dari Erope timur, lebih dari dua juta setengah etnis Yahudi dari Eropa timur terdesak untuk meninggalkan tempat tinggalnya disebabkan oleh ancaman penyiksaan golongan anti-semitis dan himpitan ekonomi. Mereka berdatangan secara berkelompok dan menetap membangun komunitasnya di pinggiran kota. Mereka bergabung dengan masyarakat setempat, etnis Yahudi Azkenazi yang lebih dahulu menetap, berbicara Yiddish, bergabung di lembaga-lembaga pendidikan, dan membangun jaringan yang dilandasi semangat budaya dan spiritual sesama etnisnya.

Pada masa ini, seorang penyair Amerika keturunan Yahudi Portugal (Sephardic), Emma Lazarus membangun sebuah institusi pendidikan dan kursus untuk para Yahudi dari Eropa timur tersebut agar mempunyai pengetahuan dan keterampilan agar bisa hidup mandiri. Emma Lazarus juga adalah seorang Feminist. Puisinya yang sangat inspiratif berjudul “The New Colossus” dipajang di pedestal patung Liberty yang juga berkontribusi banyak pada pembangunan patung tersebut. Tahukah Anda? Patung Liberty yang dibuat oleh seniman Perancis sedianya akan diberikan kepada Mesir dan akan dipajang di Terusan Suez. 

Begitulah awal mula etnis Yahudi bermigrasi ke Amerika. Pada tulisan mendatang akan saya kemukakan pengaruh ajaran Yahudi terhadap revolusi Amerika dan istilah-istilah Yahudi yang terserap dalam Bahasa Inggris Amerika.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Sefer Torah at
Glockengasse Synagogue (reconstruction), Cologne, Germany
The etymological meaning of "Torah" is direction, teaching, instruction, or doctrine. Its root in Hebrew is ירה, (yareh) which means to shoot an arrow in order to hit a mark. The mark or target is the truth about God and how one relates to Him.

Meanwhile, in the Rabbinic Judaism terminology, Torah may refers many different definitions depending on which context it referred to. The first and very limited sense is the five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) given by God to Moses in Mount Sinai. Other experts say that Torah refers to all the law given to Moses the written Torah and the Oral Torah. While, in the broader sense, Torah refers to the whole body of Jewish law and teachings.


Torah Shebichtav or written Torah are the five books of Moses dictated by God to Moses in the Mount Sinai, Egypt. This revelation happened during Moses’ exodus together with the Hebrew people (ancestry of seven sons of Abraham) escaping from Pharaoh’s tyranny to the promised land of Canaan. The reason of the exodus was because the Hebrew people, who were very well-accepted in Egypt when Joseph becomes one of the rules of Egypt, underwent very terrible treatment by Pharaoh, one of which is slavery.

In Christianity this written Torah is called the Old Testaments. Regardless to some insignificant changes in the way and which language it is written, the ideas found in Torah is exactly similar to that in the Old Testament of Bible. It concludes us that in Judaism there is no Old Testaments nor New Testaments. Another way to call the written Torah is Tanakh, meaning law of Judaism or the Jewish Bible.

The five books of Moses teaches moral and ethics by telling the stories of the previous prophets of the Abrahamic religion (Monotheism) and ways of living under the Judaism law. Each part of the five books are named based on the several beginning verses. They are Bereishith (In the beginning...) later on translated as Genesis in English; Shemoth (The names...) as Exodus; Vayiqra (And He called...) as Leviticus; Bamidbar (In the wilderness...) as Numbers; and Devarim (The words...) as Deuteronomy.


Genesis begins with the creation process of the universe, the creation of the first human (Adam) and his descent. It continues with the story of the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) and Joseph as well as the four matriarchs (Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, and Rachel). God promised the patriarchs the land of Canaan. However, Jacob’s sons decided to leave Canaan for Egypt for famine suffering Canaan.


Exodus presents the revelation of a teaching for Hebrew people though Moses in Mount Sinai on their journey out of Egypt. They accept the teaching and agree to be His worshiper and obey His law. It also tells about the first violation of the covenant upon the Golden Calf Idolization. It is finished with the instruction of building Tabernacle/Temple and the story of how it is constructed.


Leviticus explains the procedures of how to utilize the newly built Tabernacle/Temple. Explanation about cleanliness and uncleanliness, animals permitted to eat, the law of how to slaughter animals, Day of Atonement, and moral and ritual laws. This book also include the explanation about rewards for realizing the God’s commandments and punishment to not doing them.


Number chronicles the consolidation of the Hebrew people to be a community moving together from Sinai to the promised land of Canaan. At that time, Canaan was full of infidels that the Hebrew people could not just migrate to it. They wander in the desert for forty years in the surrounding area of Kadesh. The book is ended up with that they reach Moab opposite Jericho region and are ready to enter the Promised Land.


Deuteronomy contains a series of religious preaching by Moses on the land of Moab opposite Jericho. The essential topic of the book is a warning to the Children of Israel to not worship idolatry, to not walk on the way of the infidels.

Today’s Written Torah are kept in Ark of Covenant in Synagogues. When reading the written Torah, one is supposed to not touch it, some say because it is too sacral to be touched by humans, some say humans are supposed to not contaminate its purity, some others say that human’s sweat contain acid that can break the leather over time. People read it with the help of a pointer call “Yad”, in Hebrew Yad means hand, the pointer is in the shape of hand.
Torah Ark of the Szeged Synagogue
yad resting on an open Torah scroll.



Torah Shebe'al Peh or Spoken Torah is a part of the Jewish Bible (whole body of Jewish law/ Tanakh) which is the commentary to the written Torah. Some verses of the written Torah are taught with insufficient details, they need further explanation so that the commandments or Mitzvos are easily understandable. The details to those verses are found in the Spoken Torah.

According to Rabbinic tradition, the Spoken Torah is revealed along with the Written Torah to Moses at the same time, i.e. during his forty day contemplation meeting his God in Mount Sinai. To avoid incomplete subject, misinterpretation, and abuse, it was prohibited to record the oral law into writing material as well as to publish it. For hundreds of years, it remained oral and apprenticed orally from generation to generation.

In the year of 135 CE, a great revolt led by Simon Bar-Kokhba arose following the second destruction of Solomon Temple by Roman ruler in Palestine (Canaan). This failed rebellion caused decline of the Jewish community. Over a million Jews were persecuted and even killed. Schools of Torah Studies (Yeshiva) along with thousands of their rabbinical scholars and students were devastated. The number of knowledgeable Jews declined in a huge number.

The death of so many Torah teachers made up Rabbi Jehudah haNasi’s mind to start documenting the Oral Law in to written materials, it happened approximately in 200 C.E. Rabbi Jehudah decided to take fast reaction to preserve the Oral Law even if to realize that he would break the resistance of leading Judaism rabbis upon writing the Oral Law for centuries.

'Siege and destruction of Jerusalem', La Passion de Nostre Seigneur c.1504
The major explanation over the written Torah is compiled in the Mishnah, compiled between 200-220 C.E. by Rabbi Yehudah haNasi. A series of commentary and debate regarding the Mishnah is compiled in the Gemara. The compilation of the Misnah and Gemara is the Talmud. There are two periods of Talmud production and publication. First in Jerusalem 300-350 CE, so-called the Jerusalem Talmud, and second in Babylonia 450-500 CE, so-called the Babylonian Talmud.


Jewish Contribution to American Literature

Saya mengerutkan dahi ketika melihat bahwa salah satu mata kuliah saya di MA in American and British Studies adalah mata kuliah tentang kontribusi Yahudi (Bani Israel) terhadap literatur Amerika. Seberapa penting kah pengaruhnya sehingga saya PERLU mempelajarinya? 

Sebelum membahas mengenai sebaerapa jauh pengaruh Yahudi terhadap literatur Amerika, disarankan oleh desen pengampu Prof. Boris Naimushin untuk mengetahui sejarah umat Yahudi dan juga ajaran Judaism itu sendiri.

Saya akan menerangkan tentang sejarah umat Yahudi terlebih dahulu. Nama-nama tokoh penting dalam uraian ini akan menggunakan bahasa yang akrab di telinga saya, tetapi saya juga akan mencantumkan nama dalam bahasa yang digunakan oleh umat Nasrani dan Yahudi dalam tanda kurung. Saya tidak akan membandingkan kisah ini dalam kacamata tiga agama, karena pastinya akan ditemukan berbagai perbedaan (perspektif), namun justru akan saya cari persamaannya. Hanya Allah SWT yang maha tahu akan segalanya, jika anda temukan beberapa cerita yang tidak sesuai, saran dan kritik membangun akan diapresiasi oleh penulis.

Hortus Deliciarum, Der Schoß Abrahams.JPG
The bosom of Abraham -
medieval illustration from
Hortus deliciarum of Herrad of Landsberg (12th century)
Source : Wikipedia
Apakah Anda masih ingat dengan kisah nabi Ibrahim (Abraham), beliau tinggal di sebuah negeri yang bernama Canaan (saat ini adalah Palestina, dan semua daerah yang telah direbut oleh Israel). Sejarah umat Yahudi dimulai dari beliau. Dua anak Nabi Ibrahim yang sangat kita kenal adalah Nabi Ismail (Ishmael) dari Istri beliau yang bernama Hajar (Hagar) dan Nabi Ishak (Isaac) dari istri beliau yang bernama Sarah (Sarah). Keturunan Nabi Ibrahim melalu Nabi Ishak inilah umat Yahudi berasal. 

Umat Yahudi yang sekarang ada di dunia ini semuanya berasal dari Nabi Ishak. Anak beliau adalah Nabi Yaqub (Jacob). Tentunya anda masih ingat dengan kisah anak-anak Nabi Yaqub, jumlah mereka adalah tiga belas orang, satu diantaranya adalah juga seorang nabi yakni Nabi Yusuf (Joseph). Rasanya saya tidak perlu menceritakan cerita apa yang terjadi dengan anak-anak Nabi Yaqub, cukup garis besarnya.

Ringkasnya, seluruh saudara Nabi Yusuf beserta ayah mereka Nabi Yaqub hijrah ke Mesir (Egypt) karena negeri Canaan mengalami musim paceklik yang sangat parah. Dari anak-anak Nabi Yaqub inilah tujuh suku Yahudi berasal. Dan nama Yahudi (Judaism/Jews) berasal dari salah satu anak beliau yakni Judah.

Pada awal keberadaanya di Mesir, umat Yahudi diterima dengan baik, salah satu diantara penyebabnya dalah bahwa Nabi Yusuf merupakan salah satu orang berkuasa disana. Namun, tahun demi tahun perlakuan penguasa Mesir terutama Raja Firaun (Pharaoh) menjadi sangat buruk, umat Yahudi bahkan ditindas, mendapatkan perlakuan tidak baik, disiksa dan dijadikan budak. Dalam suasana terpuruk seperti itu, hadir Nabi Musa (Moses) dan saudaranya Nabi Harun (Aaron) untuk membebaskan umat Yahudi dari belenggu perbudakan Firaun menuju Negeri yang dijanjikan (the Promised Land) Canaan. 

Dalam perjalanan menuju Canaan, rombongan tersebut istirahat di pegunungan Sinai. Di bukit gunung Sinai ini, Nabi Musa berkontemplasi selama 40 hari dan bertemu dengan Allah SWT (YHWE/Allah) dan memberikan kitab Taurat (Torah) yang mencakup lima bab (lima kitab) termasuk sebuah kitab yang bersisi sepuluh perintah tuhan (the ten commandments).

Secara garis besar, kemudian umat Yahudi (Bani Israel) berhasil menaklukkan Canaan dari bangsa yang telah tinggal di sana selama umat Yahudi berada di Mesir. Mereka hidup dengan bahagia dan damai, kemakmuran melimpah ketika Nabi Daud (David) menjadi Raja Canaan, bahkan mencapai masa keemasannya ketika putra Nabi Daud, Nabi Sulaiman (Solomon), menjadi Raja Canaan. Nabi Sulaiman membangun sebuah tempat untuk beribadah yang megah berlapis emas, Baitul Maqdis (Bet HaMikdash/Solomon Temple), didalamnya disimpan Tabut Perjanjian (Ark of Covenant) sebuah kotak sakral berisi Taurat.
Ilustrasi Baitul Maqdis (Bet HaMikdash/Solomon Temple)

Pada tahun 597 (Before Common Era/Sebelum Masehi), Babylonia (Saat ini Syria) menyerang Jerusalem, Raja-raja dibunuh, rakyat disiksa, dan ribuan umat Yahudi dipindahkan ke Babylonia untuk menjadi budak, namun dalam ruang rahasia mereka masih mengamalkan ajaran Nabi Musa, mereka membangun Synagog (tempat ibadah Yahudi). Pada saat babylonia ditaklukan oleh Cyrus, umat Yahudi memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik, jumlah mereka meningkat, sebagian mereka kembali ke Jerusalem sebagian yang lain memilih untuk tetap tinggal di Babylonia. Di Jerusalem, umat yahudi membangun kembali Baitul Maqdis yang telah dirusak. 

Kemudian, datanglah serangan dari barat, bangsa Roma dibawah pimpinan Alexander the great menguasai Jerusalem, pada masa inilah Nabi Isa Almasih (Jesus) lahir. Pada tahun 70 CE (common Era/Masehi) Baitul Maqdis  kedua dihancurkan oleh bangsa Romawi. Pada masa Alexander ini, umat Yahudi berimigrasi ke berbagai pusat-pusat perkembangan peradaban seperti Babylonia, Alexandria, Roma, dan kota-kota lain di Eropa. 
18th-century portrait of Maimonides

Pada permulaan abad ke-7 Masehi, seorang Arab bernama Muhammad SAW lahir dan membawa ajaran baru yang menyempurnakan Taurat dan Injil, Islam. Islam sejak saat itu menyebar dan berkuasa meliputi Asia barat, Afrika Utara, hingga Eropa barat daya. Pada masa keemasa Islam di Andalusia (Spanyol) pada abad ke 9, 10, dan 11, umat Yahudi di Spanyol mengalami masa keemasan. Mereka memiliki nama Arab, berbicara dengan bahasa Arab, menjadi Filusuf, Dokter, Fisikawan, seperti Abu Imran Musa bin Maimun bin Abdullah al-Qurtubi al-Israili (Maimonides), Judah ben Shmuel Halevi, Abu Harun Musa bin Ya'acub bin Ezra, dll. Namun, kemudian Islam dan Yahudi diusir oleh umat Kristen, sebagian umat Yahudi pergi dan sebagian menetap di Spanyol. Mereka dibaptis, dipaksa memeluk agama Kristen, namun dalam kesembunyian, mereka masih menjalankan keyakinannya. 

Sampai disini dulu keterangan saya tentang sejarah umat Yahudi. Nanti, akan saya terangkat lagi tentang Yahudi di era perang dunia dua dan bagaimana akhirnya mereka sampai di benua Amerika.

Terima Kasih.

Lectures of Prof. Boris Naimushin, PhD

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Transcendentalism adalah sebuah aliran filsafat yang berkembang di bagian timur Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1820-an sampai 1830-an. Aliran ini berkeyakinan bahwa manusia dan alam memiliki suatu kebaikan yang tak terpisahkan. Aliran ini tumbuh sebagai bentuk protes akan aliran intellectualism dan spirituality. Transcendentalism sangat erat hubungannya dengan aliran unitarian yang diajarkan di Harvard Divinity School.